Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 here, here.
 here, here.


Though he was a prominent figure in almost all my art history classes, well known for his kinetic sculptural mobiles and abstract paintings, I never gave Alexander Calder much thought as an influence in my art. While I do love the individuality of it, the images of his work didn't register far beyond the 'oh thats pretty' part of my brain. My recent discovery of Calder's metal jewelry gave me a better understanding of the artist, bridging the mental gap (for me, at least) between his playful abstract paintings and his airy mobiles. 

The use of abstract shapes to create interesting wares must always be quite literally balanced by the reality of kinetics, gravity, and all those other pesky scientific realities. It's like he has taken the visual impact of his painting and combined it with the kinetic skills of his sculpture with results that are truly delightful, no matter how seemingly unwearable. 

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